46 research outputs found

    QuickFeed on Programming Assignments

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    In the last decade, programming has become an increasingly important tool for almost all science and engineering disciplines. To this end, programming exercises have become an essential tool for students to learn the craft of programming and apply, model, and evaluate other scientific techniques

    The Case for Reconfiguration without Consensus: Comparing Algorithms for Atomic Storage

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    We compare different algorithms for reconfigurable atomic storage in the data-centric model. We present the first experimental evaluation of two recently proposed algorithms for reconfiguration without consensus and compare them to established algorithms for reconfiguration both with and without consensus. Our evaluation reveals that the new algorithms offer a significant improvement in terms of latency and overhead for reconfiguration without consensus. Our evaluation also shows that reconfiguration without consensus, can obtain similar results to that of consensus-based reconfiguration, which relies on a stable leader. Moreover, the new algorithms also substantially reduces the overhead compared to consensus-based reconfiguration without a leader. While our analysis confirms our intuition that batching reconfiguration requests serves to reduce the overhead of reconfigurations, our evaluation also shows that it is equally important to separate reconfigurations from read and write operations. Specifically, we found that using read and write operations to assist in completing concurrent reconfigurations is in fact detrimental to the reconfiguration performance

    SNIPS: Succinct Proof of Storage for Efficient Data Synchronization in Decentralized Storage Systems

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    Data synchronization in decentralized storage systems is essential to guarantee sufficient redundancy to prevent data loss. We present SNIPS, the first succinct proof of storage algorithm for synchronizing storage peers. A peer constructs a proof for its stored chunks and sends it to verifier peers. A verifier queries the proof to identify and subsequently requests missing chunks. The proof is succinct, supports membership queries, and requires only a few bits per chunk. We evaluated our SNIPS algorithm on a cluster of 1000 peers running Ethereum Swarm. Our results show that SNIPS reduces the amount of synchronization data by three orders of magnitude compared to the state-of-the-art. Additionally, creating and verifying a proof is linear with the number of chunks and typically requires only tens of microseconds per chunk. These qualities are vital for our use case, as we envision running SNIPS frequently to maintain sufficient redundancy consistently

    A Privacy-Preserving and Transparent Certification System for Digital Credentials

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    A certification system is responsible for issuing digital credentials, which attest claims about a subject, e.g., an academic diploma. Such credentials are valuable for individuals and society, and widespread adoption requires a trusted certification system. Trust can be gained by being transparent when issuing and verifying digital credentials. However, there is a fundamental tradeoff between privacy and transparency. For instance, admitting a student to an academic program must preserve the student’s privacy, i.e., the student’s grades must not be revealed to unauthorized parties. At the same time, other applicants may demand transparency to ensure fairness in the admission process. Thus, building a certification system with the right balance between privacy and transparency is challenging. This paper proposes a novel design for a certification system that provides sufficient transparency and preserves privacy through selective disclosure of claims such that authorized parties can verify them. Moreover, unauthorized parties can also verify the correctness of the certification process without compromising privacy. We achieve this using an incremental Merkle tree of cryptographic commitments to users' credentials. The commitments are added to the tree based on verifying zero-knowledge issuance proofs. Users store credentials off-chain and can prove the ownership and authenticity of credentials without revealing their commitments. Further, our approach enables users to prove statements about the credential’s claims in zero-knowledge. Our design offers a cost-efficient solution, reducing the amount of linkable on-chain data by up to 79% per credential compared to prior work, while maintaining transparency.publishedVersio

    Snarl : entangled merkle trees for improved file availability and storage utilization

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    In cryptographic decentralized storage systems, files are split into chunks and distributed across a network of peers. These storage systems encode files using Merkle trees, a hierarchical data structure that provides integrity verification and lookup services. A Merkle tree maps the chunks of a file to a single root whose hash value is the file's content-address. A major concern is that even minor network churn can result in chunks becoming irretrievable due to the hierarchical dependencies in the Merkle tree. For example, chunks may be available but can not be found if all peers storing the root fail. Thus, to reduce the impact of churn, a decentralized replication process typically stores each chunk at multiple peers. However, we observe that this process reduces the network's storage utilization and is vulnerable to cascading failures as some chunks are replicated 10X less than others. We propose Snarl, a novel storage component that uses a variation of alpha entanglement codes to add user-controlled redundancy to address these problems. Our contributions are summarized as follows: 1) the design of an entangled Merkle tree, a resilient data structure that reduces the impact of hierarchical dependencies, and 2) the Snarl prototype to improve file availability and storage utilization in a real-world storage network. We evaluate Snarl using various failure scenarios on a large cluster running the Ethereum Swarm network. Our evaluation shows that Snarl increases storage utilization by 5X in Swarm with improved file availability. File recovery is bandwidth-efficient and uses less than 2X chunks on average in scenarios with up to 50% of total chunk loss.publishedVersio

    Cost-effective Data Upkeep in Decentralized Storage Systems

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    Decentralized storage systems split files into chunks and distribute the chunks across a network of peers. Each peer may only store a few chunks per file. To later reconstruct a file, all its chunks must be downloaded. Chunks can disappear from the network at any time as peers are untrusted and may misbehave, fail or leave the network. Current systems lack a secure and cost-effective mechanism for discovering missing chunks. Hence, a client must periodically re-upload all of the file's chunks to keep it available, even if only a few are missing from the network. Needlessly re-uploading chunks waste significant amounts of the network's bandwidth, takes additional time to complete, and forces the client to pay for unwarranted resources. To address the above problem, we propose SUP, a novel protocol that utilizes proof-of-storage queries to detect missing chunks. We have evaluated SUP on a large cluster of 1000 peers running a recent version of Ethereum Swarm. Our contributions include the design and implementation of SUP and a study of Swarm's redundancy characteristics. Our evaluation shows that SUP significantly improves bandwidth utilization and time spent on data upkeep compared to the existing solution. In common scenarios, SUP can save as much as 94 % bandwidth and reduce the time spent re-uploading by up to 82 %. While dependent on the storage network's bandwidth pricing policy, using SUP may also reduce the overall monetary costs of data upkeep.acceptedVersio

    An Extensible Framework for Implementing and Validating Byzantine Fault-tolerant Protocols

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    HotStuff is a Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication protocol that incurs linear communication costs to achieve consensus. This linear scalability promoted the protocol to be adopted as the consensus mechanism in permissioned blockchains. This paper discusses the architecture, testing, and evaluation of our extensible framework to implement HotStuff and its variants. The framework already contains three HotStuff variants and other interchangeable components for cryptographic operations and leader selection. Inspired by the Twins approach, we also provide a testing framework for validating protocol implementations by inducing Byzantine behaviors. Test generation is protocol-agnostic; new protocols can execute the test suite with little-to-no modifications. We report relevant insights on how we benefited from Twins for validation and test-driven development. Leveraging our deployment tool, we evaluated our implementation in various configurations.acceptedVersio

    ByzID: Byzantine Fault Tolerance from Intrusion Detection

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    Building robust network services that can withstand a wide range of failure types is a fundamental problem in distributed systems. The most general approach, called Byzantine fault tolerance, can mask arbitrary failures. Yet it is often considered too costly to deploy in practice, and many solutions are not resilient to performance attacks. To address this concern we leverage two key technologies already widely deployed in cloud computing infrastructures: replicated state machines and intrusiondetection systems.First, we have designed a general framework for constructing Byzantine failure detectors based on an intrusion detection system. Based on such a failure detector, we have designed and built a practical Byzantine fault-tolerant protocol, which has costs comparable to crash-resilient protocols like Paxos. More importantly, our protocol is particularly robust against several key attacks such as flooding attacks, timing attacks, and fairness attacks, that are typically not handled well by Byzantine fault masking procedures